Monday, July 30, 2012

Swim Noodle Wreath

 I've seen ideas for taking plumbing insulation for making a wreath (Of course on Pinterest) and thought that was really smart. So, I went to buy one at Lowe's, not realizing that it was really really thin. 
 I wanted something a little thicker so I started brainstorming what would be thicker and still flexible enough to make a circle. 
And then it hit me. A swim noodle! They're super cheap and everywhere since it's summer so I headed over to Wal-Mart and picked one up.
 I cut it to the desired shape and used some clear duct tape to connect the ends.

Here's the finished product!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Painted Mason Jars

I've seen a lot of painted mason jars on Pinterest lately and I LOVE it, so I decided to try some of my own. I used some of the favorite jars I inherited from my grandmother.  I think adding the paint on the inside really brings out the details and unique shape of each jar.
 I didn't take any pictures of the process. (I was too excited to do it to stop and take pics). But, I think the process is so easy, it doesn't really need pics to explain.  I took an empty, clean mason jar, and squirted some acrylic paint into the jar and turned/spun the jar until the paint covered the entire inside surface of jars.  Then, I layed out a brown paper bag and stacked 2 stacks of 2 popscicle sticks each to balance the jars on, allowing the excess paint to run off onto the bag.(I founds that idea on another blog- unfortunately I can't seem to find it to link up to when looking back).  I let it drip like that for about an hour. Then, I turned the jars over and let them dry over night.  Easy enough!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

We Moved!

After living in California for our whole lives, and in beautiful San Francisco for the last three, we have taken a huge plunge and moved to the Midwest. My husband graduated and now is a practicing dentist. So,we are now living in Missouri and loving it!  Now that we are unpacked and settled, I am super excited to get back into crafting again. So, after a much needed break, I'm finally ready to post again!